Is it Worth the Pain?

This is probably a truism: A writer needs to be dedicated and focused to achieve success. Well I haven’t managed anywhere near the required level of dedication or focus recently.

I can say I’ve had an excuse, having recently gone through a bereavement. But this post is not specifically about grief. It’s about how emotional pain can affect writing fiction. So excuse me for not opening up in much detail.

So that much posited question: Do you need to suffer for your art? Have the experience to create good writing about it? In my case I thought about the worst possible emotion, guilt (or guilty-regret) as it felt at the time, not because I committed some egregiously wrongful act but rather failing to do all I could in those final days. Not something I’m comfortable discussing further here. Only, I went back to rewrite how my protagonist described guilty regret, simply: “it’s corrosive lingering grip”. Of course, I could use a more detailed description, with the words pervasive and relentless thrown in. But generally the fewer words the better.

I wondered if I maintained some carefree happy state would I be able to write so convincingly about a character’s pain? Probably not, though a more talented writer may well be able to.

So: is it worth the pain for the sake of good writing? It seems at the moment definitely not. I’d rather just try to learn from other writers even if that appears less authentic. But it’s possible in the long term I will reflect differently. Well I can only console myself with that possibility.

My published books:

Worlds Beyond Time (US)

The Captured (US) The Captured (UK)

7 thoughts on “Is it Worth the Pain?

  1. I often wonder about this question too. Do you need to suffer to create an art?
    I think the answer differs for everyone and according to the situation. At the end of the day, it’s passion and hard work that creates art.
    I hope you recover from your grief soon and will be able to write freely again.

  2. First, so very sorry for your loss.
    I’m also going through a loss and what I wrote about it (privately, not on a blog or in a book or article) my husband shared that it was my best writing ever. I also once had an editor that said my best writing was bad reviews I wrote when a band I loved disappointed me.
    On the other hand, when I wrote my second book, I wrote from a guy’s perspective and channeled my fictional character’s pain. I wrote this during one of the happiest times of my life. The book was so good it was picked up by a traditional publisher for a second printing.
    I think when you write long enough, writing comes naturally and you’ll be able to emulate whatever mood is called for. Though nothing can beat honest, genuine writing, when you are going through something heavy, so keep writing. 🙂

  3. Compelling and thought provoking blog Adrian. To answer this question, Yes, it is worth the pain to go through the process of writing and publishing because it is what you want as a Writer or Creator. Although, not all Writers would agree with my answer being Yes but those who are devoted to writing and creating blogs and books as well as passionate will without a doubt go through the pain because at the end , you reap what you sow and the hard work you are subjecting yourself to will be cherished one day💯🙏

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